Friday, March 29, 2013

Setting The Record Straight (Part 2)

One of the most pervasive pieces of disinformation going around right now with regards to the passing of Lorissa McComas is the very place of her end. If you visit the wikipedia page dedicated to her (, you will see Melbourne, Florida listed as her last place of residence. While it is true that she had established residency in Florida going back to the early 2000s so she could care for her terminally ill mother, but by 2004 she was spending more time living in Waverly, Virginia. She had established official residency in Virginia in 2006, not too long after having asked her then husband Doug Taylor for a divorce (which he agreed to, though he never completed the paperwork once he received it), and gave him the house in Melbourne (which he subsequently lost to foreclosure).

The primary reason for her leaving Florida was the nature of the life that she had down there, which was one of emotional torment and neglect, encouraged and perpetuated by her so-called husband. This information has been provided to me by David Keeter, the man responsible for moving her away from Florida, and also arguably the only person in Lorissa's life after her parents' passing that truly cared for her. Upon first discovering these facts, the author of this blog took them on instant trust, as the source came off as completely genuine. However, given that a healthy amount of skepticism should always be employed when dealing with new information, a video has been put together to document David's proof for his association with Lorissa that can be seen at the link below.


Contained within this video is a voice-mail greeting featuring Lorissa's voice which is near impossible to mistake for anyone else, along with letters accounting an affectionate correspondence between Lorissa and David. It speaks also to a woman who was emotionally stable and had a lot of hope for the future, in direct contrast to the picture that everyone has of a poor little china doll who fell apart under the stress of losing her parents. In short, it speaks to a woman who had no reason to take her own life. It also speaks to a woman who was just a little too trusting and was routinely taken advantage of by those who claimed to care about her, including potentially her own brother Rennit who very well could have been stealing Lorissa's methadone medication to get high with, utterly indifferent to the physical harm that it was causing by denying her a smooth way out of a nasty addiction to oxy contin which was not of her making.

Contrary to what other blogs covering her life have claimed, the truth regarding Lorissa's life is known to some, and it will be known to the rest in due time. In the coming days I will be doing official responses to the "A Joe's Eye View" accounts of Lorissa's life to correct some erroneous facts and also to fill in a lot of gaps and answer the many questions that have lingered due to the unreliability of his sources, though his intentions appear to be that of a genuine journalist looking to get the right story. I will also be attempting to do a live interview with David Keeter on youtube/Google+ to get his full account of Lorissa's life out in the near future. This is indeed a tragic story, but also one that has some inspirational parts to it, especially insofar as David's part in all of this. Thank you for reading and please stay tuned for further updates.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Setting The Record Straight (Part 1)

The Truth Regarding The Life And

Passing Of The Famed B-Movie Actress

And Pin-Up Model

Over the course of the past 3 years there has been a fair amount of interest in the life of Lorissa McComas. She was arguably the greatest natural beauty of the 1990s and early 2000s, a gentle and loving soul who touched many lives through her work in the modeling and movie industry, and more recently a tragic figure who's final years have been shrouded in mystery. The author of this blog is but one of many devoted fans who were stunned to hear of her untimely passing, and though accusations of bias may well be in order, the contents of these publications are of an honest intent and a steadfast desire to uncover the truth.

In the past several months, I have made contact with several contacts who were very close to her during the final years of her life. The most invaluable and trustworthy of these sources is a man by the name of David Keeter, another long time fan of Lorissa's work who became good friends with the acclaimed model during the late 1990s, and then eventually much more. It is with his blessing that I am now able to tell her side of the story, a story that has yet to be told due to circumstances beyond the scope of most online media outlets who have tried to square her passing with a number of rumors that have run rampant across the net.

In the coming weeks and months, I will be publishing information that has been sorely lacking from all present media accounts, along with explanations as to why this information was suppressed by Lorissa during her interview with "A Joe's Eye Blog" back in 2006 (which has been the primary source for all the information feeding the present rumor mill). It will be further demonstrated that there were a few key characters in her late life and untimely end (some living, some also deceased) who will not coming out of this looking good, but as in all things, truth is preferred to that which would obscure it for sake of reputation.

For the time being, linked below is the first video commentary that I have done regarding Lorissa's passing and a beginning to the long tale of what happened after she had ceased contact with most of the people who knew her in Melbourne, Florida. Brace yourselves for a story that is far sadder than the one you think you know, and please comment upon it or ask any questions you wish and I will do my best to answer them.