Friday, May 17, 2013

A Response to "A Joe's Eye View" (Part 1)

One persistent question that continually comes up regarding the later life of Lorissa McComas is the nature of things at her home in Melbourne, Florida after the passing of her father in November of 2001. Apart from those who have had the ability and inclination to get in contact with people close to her, most have been reliant on the A Joe's Eye View blog chapter dubbed "Lorissa McComas: My Final Thoughts", which is presently the 4th highest ranked listing on Google for her name after her personal website, and her respective IMDB and Wikipedia pages. While the honest intent of blogger Joe Vannicola is obvious, like many in the journalistic field (independent or otherwise), he is a victim of unreliable sources.

Having squared the credibility of Lorissa's fiance David Keeter with members of Lorissa's family, his testimony has brought many needed revelations into the equation, one of which has been divulged in the first "Lorissa McComas: Setting The Record Straight" video that Lorissa was not suffering from RS Dystrophy, and consequently did not pass due to any illness. Joe alludes to the possibility in this final entry, mentioning another false scenario that has been in circulating that Lorissa shot herself with a hand gun after discovering her brother Rennit had committed suicide. The truth is that the exact opposite occurred, as Lorissa had died 2 days before Rennit had killed himself using Methadone that he had stolen from her.

Though I have yet to acquire the police reports from the Waverly PD, they have confirmed that Lorissa (Taylor) McComas had indeed died of a shotgun blast to the head, and David has further alluded that Lorissa's fingerprints were not on the gun and that her abusive husband Doug Taylor had his fingerprints on it as well as powder burns on his hands. Any thinking person can already begin to see problems with the notion that Lorissa could shoot herself and leave no fingerprints on the weapon of death, not to mention that David has further revealed that Lorissa had never handled a pump shot gun in her life.

However, the principle subject that needs to be addressed in Joe's final blog to Lorissa (which is poor on actual content and largely alludes to the older 2006 interview he did with her), is the alleged source for some of the things mentioned later in the article. In the time since I have published my findings both on Youtube and this blog, I have been contacted by two former friends of Lorissa's from the period in question (Melbourne 2002-2006), and one of them is likely the same source that contacted Joe given the radical parallels in her story. David has revealed that there were a number of women who had come and gone during Lorissa's time in Melbourne, and very few of them come out of this looking very good. However, this woman's testimony, in part, has been confirmed by David.

While it may be hitting a sensitive subject, the author of this blog feels it necessary to state the obvious, Lorissa's ex-husband (I will not dignify him with the title widower, David would be more worthy of that title) Doug Taylor was a leech and it is easy to believe that he would not have a job at the time of Lorissa's passing. However, after David's arrest and Lorissa and he losing the house in Waverly to foreclosure, she was compelled to share an apartment with Doug and her brother Rennit. David Keeter's family and the owner of the apartment Lorissa lived in (also the owner of Glen's Texaco in Waverly, Virginia, the place where Doug was employed), helped Lorissa monetarily, but ultimately Doug ended up taking up employment at said landlord's business to compensate for living all but rent free.

It has been further confirmed by David Keeter that in addition to being a slobbering lush of an alcoholic, that Doug was also a serial adulturer, often times fornicating with many of the women that Lorissa had worked with in a professional capacity. When the woman who is Joe's source states that Lorissa came out of things not looking very good, apart from a bad Oxy Contin (legal heroine) addiction that impaired her judgment, the only other thing that could be said negative about Lorissa is that she saw good in people when it wasn't there and tolerated far too much verbal abuse and unfaithfulness from a man that, all things considered, was unworthy of shining her shoes.

But worse still, Doug did indeed fit all the necessary traits of a "pimp", often times convincing Lorissa to push her own boundaries in her video work (there are some videos that qualify as border-line hardcore, all of which involve clear signals of her discomfort in performing the acts depicted, and in one particular case, the camera operator giving her assurances that it would not be published). Likewise, Doug would try to literally sell his own wife to men in exchange for money, all of this was resisted by Lorissa according to David Keeter's testimony, and often ended up causing verbal altercations between her and Doug.

Every negative element that came into Lorissa's life after her parents passed can be traced to Doug's willingness to allow any lowlife off the streets into their home in exchange for beer or drugs, and this includes the entry of two questionable fellows by the names of Jeff and Gary, the latter of which made an appearance to Lord Dixie's memorial to Lorissa less than a year ago under the identity of MarsRevealer and got into an argument with David Keeter. Both of these individuals were drug dealers by either trade or hobby, and contributed to keeping Lorissa addicted to Oxy Contin while simultaneously locking her out of her own computer so she couldn't see her own bank records and realize that she was being robbed blind by them and a few others.

On Lord Dixie's blog this same Gary admitted to actually locking Lorissa out of her computer and keeping her ignorant of David Keeter's phone calls and attempts to help her. Some of these comments have since been deleted by him, but Lord Dixie has kept his copies of his comments and I will be attempting to get them for publication, as this same individual is likely not only guilty of stealing money from Lorissa and committing computer fraud, but also stole the master copies of much of Lorissa's work after being fired and is currently trying to sell them.

The rabbit hole on this naturally goes deeper than I will get into on this entry for purposes of brevity, but one thing that can be stated with full certainty is that Doug Taylor is a contemptable human being, if not an acquitted murderer which is still up in the air at this juncture. He is currently in control of all of Lorissa's work and her website, and it is with a degree of risk that I will now state the following. As beautiful as Lorissa was and as much as her enticing smile may invite you to part with money to order one of her videos from her website, don't purchase anything from her website. You will be monetarily feeding a monster who has deprived the world of one of its most beautiful souls. Instead, remember her by seeking the truth about her life, the things that she loved and hoped for, which included all of you.

I will endeavor to provide more in the coming weeks. God bless.